by adotsadmin | Sep 17, 2018 | Events, Synod, Updates
It’s barely been a month in the South for Rachel Wilhelm – who just moved to Georgia from Minneapolis – and already she’s leading music at an ADOTS church plant and at the Mission Matters Conference & Synod 2018. But this comes as no surprise when one learns that...
by adotsadmin | Sep 11, 2018 | Events, Mission, Synod, Updates
With its silver anniversary, Anglican Frontier Missions has published a new book with compelling stories of its work, and is urging the Church that there is still much work to be done. “AFM’s vision remains unchanged from our founding days: to mobilize the church to...
by adotsadmin | Sep 7, 2018 | Events, Ministries, Updates
On a given Sunday at Holy Cross Cathedral, you may find Brandon Wycoff organizing bulletins, setting out water bottles for guest clergy, gathering worship ministers for prayer before the procession, or even heading to a closet for a mop bucket. “I’ve heard it...
by adotsadmin | Aug 22, 2018 | Events, Synod, Updates
Mission Matters is the annual ADOTS Conference & Synod. Our plenary speaker, the Rev. Dr. Winfield Bevins, will address our mission and discuss his experiences with young adults drawn to liturgical faith. His latest book Ever Ancient, Ever New: The Allure of...
by adotsadmin | Jun 7, 2018 | Events, Updates
The Rev. Canon Andrew Gross, Press Officer for the ACNA and GAFCON, answers some basic questions from ADOTS Communications Associate Rachel Moorman, and shares how you can follow along with the conference June 17-22. Representatives from over 50 countries, including...
by adotsadmin | Jan 16, 2018 | Events, Resources, Updates
By Georgette Forney, President of Anglicans for Life, which is hosting its 2018 Summit: Mobilizing the Church for Life this weekend, Jan. 18-19, in Falls Church, VA, in coordination with the March for Life in Washington, D.C. Problems to “Fix” I hate problems. I try...