by adotsadmin | Nov 1, 2019 | Deacons, Mission, Updates
Bishop Francis Karemera upon his enthronement, with Archbishop Laurent Mbanda, Rwanda “What a joy it was to be back in Rwanda after 10 long years! It is said to be one of the safest countries in Africa… the GAFCON Bishops meeting will be held there June...
by adotsadmin | Oct 18, 2019 | Mission, Updates
The New Wineskins Missionary Network hosted its ninth Global Mission Conference at the end of September, drawing missionaries, laity, and clergy from around the world. We asked a number of those in the Diocese of the South who attended the conference to share their...
by adotsadmin | Sep 24, 2019 | Churches, Ministries, Resources, Synod, Updates
Rachel Wilhelm leading musical worship at Synod 2018; Archbishop Foley Beach worships in background. “I’ve been writing songs from Scripture since I was a girl, and am still learning the craft as I go. It’s not as easy as we may think, but there are ways...
by adotsadmin | Sep 5, 2019 | Church Planting, Events, Mission, Updates
With Rev. Dcn. Katrina Payne and Fr. Daniel Adkinson Canon Chris Sorensen has been all over the diocese getting to know our plants and missions. He has discerned a need for church leaders in plants and missions, ordained and lay, to gather to help each other in our...
by adotsadmin | Aug 29, 2019 | Churches, Ministries, Mission, Resources, Updates
The ADOTS Standing Committee has voted to cover the cost for every parish in the diocese to receive the fall 2019 stewardship support box from The Evergreen Project, called the “Generosity Box.” This resource aims to help churches live out Generosity as a formational...