by adotsadmin | Mar 6, 2019 | Events, Mission, Updates
This September, set against the Blue Ridge Mountains, Anglicans from across the U.S. and the world will gather for the largest Anglican missions conference in North America: the New Wineskins Global Mission Conference. “It was the most spiritually invigorating...
by adotsadmin | Dec 19, 2018 | Events, Mission, Updates
Make Plans Now for World Mission Sunday 2019 Anglican Frontier Missions in SoutheastAsia Canon George Ivey By Rev. Canon George Ivey, ADOTS Canon Missioner: Advocating for world missions with ADOTS congregations and parishioners throughout the world. February 10,...
by adotsadmin | Oct 4, 2018 | Events, Mission, Updates
Lay leaders and clergy from around ADOTS will share their own stories of mission – and discover how we can all more actively participate in local, national, and global missions – during the ADOTS Mission Roundtable pre-conference ahead of the Mission Matters...
by adotsadmin | Oct 3, 2018 | Events, Mission, Updates
“BETTER TOGETHER” will be a reoccurring theme throughout the coming year. Anglicans who have the vision to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus are coming together to facilitate that objective. On November 1, 2018, beginning at 1 P.M. on the campus of Holy Cross...
by adotsadmin | Sep 11, 2018 | Events, Mission, Synod, Updates
With its silver anniversary, Anglican Frontier Missions has published a new book with compelling stories of its work, and is urging the Church that there is still much work to be done. “AFM’s vision remains unchanged from our founding days: to mobilize the church to...
by adotsadmin | Aug 6, 2018 | Mission, Updates
The people of Puerto Rico are continuing to recover from what is considered to be the worst natural disaster to ever hit the island – Hurricane Maria. When Maria made landfall last September as a Category 4 storm, it decimated the country’s infrastructure and left...