Synod Business Meeting 2017 Roundup

“As We Go, We Make Disciples” Synod Address from Archbishop Foley Beach & Delegates Meeting November 4, 2017 Archbishop Foley Beach stressed again at this year’s Synod that the Anglican Diocese of the South must stand guard against becoming institutionalized...

Mission Matters: Lay Leaders Gathering

Dr. Susan Ridgell is a lay leader at Apostles Anglican in Knoxville, TN, and is facilitating the Lay Leaders Gathering on Friday afternoon of Synod 2017. What do you enjoy most about the lay leaders gathering? Finding that others throughout the diocese have similar...

Mission Matters Workshop: Better Building Projects

Rick Thurman is President of The Trinity Group, a project management company serving as an in-house design and construction team for large and small commercial organizations, as well as non-profit groups. In his Synod 2017 workshop, he’ll discuss why only ten percent...