Assembly 2017 is a time for all Anglicans in North America to worship, connect, and be inspired for the coming years as a body.
In our previous post highlighting Archbishop Foley’s invitation to attend Assembly 2017, we mentioned that the assemblies are not just a meeting of delegates and clergy, all conferring for some decision-making. While all ACNA clergy are strongly encouraged to attend – and those governing sessions will be taking place for delegates – there is so much more to the Assembly.
So who goes to Assembly, and why?
Small group leaders and members of the church vestry. Your congregation is part of something bigger than itself. Leaders will bring back tools to help the church participate in the larger vision of the ACNA and Anglicans worldwide.
Youth groups. A fully programmed youth track for junior high and high schoolers is being planned through Anglican Youth, including an optional post-Assembly urban experience to inner city Chicago.
Healing & pastoral care teams. The ‘Equipped to Heal’ prayer training school sub-conference is available for those leading and interested in pastoral care in your parish.
Campus ministers. Reach college students in your city with special equipping sessions.
Missional church advocates. The assembly theme this year, “Mission on Our Doorstep” is emphasizing our responsibility to gospel mission in our neighborhoods through church planting, evangelism, Biblical social justice, and more.
Songwriters and worship leaders. Special tracks are designed for musicians from around the province to network.
Chaplains. Anglican Chaplains is holding its Training Symposium and Convocation beforehand and concurrently with Assembly 2017.
Latino congregations and ministry leaders. A fully-integrated sub-conference in Spanish is sponsored by Caminemos Juntos (the Anglican Latino church planting movement), with simultaneous translation of the main plenary sessions.
Those invested in the future of the ACNA. Assembly 2017 is another step in the deep partnership between the ACNA and GAFCON provinces.
Clergy, council and assembly members. Don’t come alone! Bring your families, your local leaders, and those interested in the Anglican Way. Inspire and equip those who may be future leaders.
Find out more about workshops and sub-conference events that speak to you in the coming weeks at, in addition to learning about the notable international guests featured as speakers for plenary sessions. Register now and encourage those around you in your parish to join you… We are part of something bigger!
by Rachel Moorman, ADOTS Communications Associate