by adotsadmin | Apr 29, 2020 | Resources, Updates
Archbishop Foley has designated the American Anglican Council and Anglican Compass as the communication hubs for COVID-19 resources for the ACNA. Each week they add updated resources to help guide Anglicans through the ever-changing terrain of the pandemic. This Week...
by adotsadmin | Apr 28, 2020 | Resources, Updates
We are cyclical, rhythmic people. The four seasons of God’s natural world envelop us in periods of growth, abundance, decline, and barrenness, and growth again. As Anglicans we experience God’s goodness together through the liturgical seasons, soaking in...
by adotsadmin | Apr 27, 2020 | Mission, Updates
While the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world, its full devastation has yet to be felt in many places overseas and domestically. The Anglican Relief and Development Fund — the relief arm of the ACNA — is raising funds now in anticipation of the great...
by adotsadmin | Apr 27, 2020 | Events, Resources, Updates
Archbishop Foley recently announced the American Anglican Council (AAC) as one of the hubs of communication for COVID-19 resources for ACNA churches. Now the AAC is offering two webinars coming up this week and next to help churches effectively lead during crisis and...
by adotsadmin | Apr 27, 2020 | Devotion, Updates
By Chrissy Coblentz, Parish Administrator at Christ the King, Birmingham, AL Our family, some still in pajamas, congregated together in our living room at 9:50 AM. We searched up Christ the King’s Sunday morning live stream through our Roku via YouTube. We were...