Due to COVID-19 restrictions, ADOTS was forced to postpone a mission trip to the U.S.-Mexico border with Dr. Henry Baldwin. However, churches and individuals in the diocese have raised a significant amount of funds to allow local workers to complete the needed project at the Children’s Center! Dr. Henry gives the following update:

Rev. Dr. Henry Baldwin
Dear All,
Let us give praise and thanks to God! Your interest in this mission trip to Me Quieres Ayudar, and your prayers and gifts, have borne fruit! I have today received a report that ADOTS will have gathered a total of $10,420 for the Children’s Center in Matamoros. This completes (or very nearly so) both levels of the project.
Thank you to each of you for “praying this through” and being with us in this project even though it didn’t turn out as originally conceived. God’s ways are not our ways, and are always best!

Courtyard, before

Courtyard, after
Work on the courtyard began this week with the funds we sent them two weeks ago. Here you can see the before and after. Work on repairing the walls begins on Monday.
The final gift we will send next week will allow Me Quieres Ayudar to put a cover/roof over the courtyard and fill it with play equipment, as well as do interior works on the bathrooms and learning center.
More pictures will follow soon. And praise God, the city authorities opened up the center this week, removing the previous COVID restrictions so the kids can play there.
The Reverend Dr. Henry S. Baldwin
Chaplain Resident
Valley Baptist Medical Center
Harlingen, Texas