“Equipped to Heal” sub-conference offers healing prayer ministry training.
Assembly 2017 will of course be filled with those times where – as one large body – we worship, receive Holy Eucharist, and learn together from the experiences of plenary speakers. But all who plan to attend Assembly are also invited to attend smaller sub-conferences and workshops – called Gatherings – that most appeal to one’s interests and giftings in the body of Christ: from overseas work to serving the poor in our midst, from healing prayer to the gift of music.
Sub-conferences will have sessions just for those who have registered for that particular sub-conference, but will also have open sessions for anyone at Assembly. During online registration, you can check the box to register for any of the following sub-conferences, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to gather with these missional leaders as part of the “Mission on Our Doorstep.”
Click the links to see full session topics and schedules!
MissioCorps seeks to start congregations among the most vulnerable in our society, in places like nursing homes, prisons, and areas of low-income housing. MissioCorps believes that we should draw alongside the under-resourced – not to “do ministry” to them, but to be the Church together.
Jubilee workshop sessions will explore the challenges, strides, hopes, and practical steps of Anglo and African-American churches walking together in unity, including the relationship of Kenyan missionaries working in North America.
Always Forward is the church-planting initiative of the Anglican Church in North America. With the mission for every diocese to become a church-planting network, the Always Forward team is equipping leaders and local churches, while facilitating coaching and collaboration to plant churches across North America.
For worship leaders and songwriters: All ages and experience levels are welcome in United Adoration’s songwriting track! UA’s mission is to create and release fresh music for the Sacramental Church. The group will lead a songwriting retreat on Tuesday preceding Assembly, as well as host workshop sessions during the conference in which participants will connect and create.
Equipped to Heal is an annual healing prayer training seminar, this year being held in conjunction with Assembly. Led by a team from the Greenhouse Movement, they bring decades of healing prayer experience to this training – shared through stories and guided small groups – and invite anyone involved with or interested in prayer ministries to come receive and offer prayer.
Anglican Global Mission Partners is a network of 33 Anglican organizations all supporting and promoting global mission work. The relationships formed between these organizations can connect your church with mission opportunities that are right for your congregation.
The Asian and Multicultural Ministries workshops will explore hospitality to immigrants, the need for ethnic ministry, and ministry to children in an Asian context, led by the Anglican Network in Canada and the Rt. Rev. Stephen Leung.
Caminemos Juntos sub-sessions will be offered in Spanish or English, while main sessions are in both languages. Sub-session topics include immigration and reaching out to second generation youth, legal aid as ministry, missional leadership, women in missions, church planting tools, and other encouragement for the Anglican Latino community.
The Campus Ministries track offers practical resources and encourages the urgency of ministering to the college students in our midst, both American and international. Hosted by the Greenhouse Campus Fellowship, these sessions are not just for campus ministers, but any church interested in starting a university ministry.
Additionally, deacons will have the chance to fellowship at the Deacon’s Workshop, and clergywomen will have their own special time of sharing and prayer with the Clergywomen’s Gathering.
Registration is happening now! Visit missiononourdoorstep.com for more information on workshops, housing, plenary speakers, and more. Late pricing begins May 14!

by Rachel Moorman, ADOTS Communications Associate