“BETTER TOGETHER” will be a reoccurring theme throughout the coming year. Anglicans who have the vision to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus are coming together to facilitate that objective.

Canon George Ivey
On November 1, 2018, beginning at 1 P.M. on the campus of Holy Cross Cathedral, you are invited to an in depth discussion on local and global mission opportunities. This Missions Roundtable will put missions at the fingertips of ADOTS churches. The Mission Roundtable will conclude at 5 P.M.
“MISSION MATTERS” is our theme!!! First, the ADOTS Missions Roundtable is our diocesan point of contact for our churches to live into this vision. Second, we are a year from the most dynamic missions event for Anglican Province in North America. It is the New Wineskins Global Mission Conference. We are privileged to have it occurring in our own backyard at Ridgecrest Conference Center, North Carolina on September 26-29, 2019.
Jenny Noyes is the organizer for the New Wineskins Missionary Conference and will be sharing at the ADOTS Missions Roundtable. FYI, Jenny was formerly the southeastern coordinator for ALPHA. She now serves our churches as executive director of New Wineskins Missionary Network.
The Missions Roundtable begins the day before the ADOTS 2018 Synod. This is intended to be a comprehensive opportunity to share what our churches are doing for local missions and for global missions. This is a time of cross-pollination of ideas and opportunities to deeply involve our parishes in reaching the people in our local communities and the people in our global communities with the love of Jesus.
Serving on our Roundtable panel will be:
- Canon Fr. Keith Allen with mission to Myanmar…
- Chris Finley just returning from Bolivia…
- Jim Murphy reports on connections with Tansania…
Lay missionaries from ADOTS –
- Jay White on China and new, high tech tools for missions…
- Clark and Carol Smith – missionaries at large who are making a deep impact globally…
Note: Registration is separate from the Synod Registration:
Find out about both here!