In addition to participating in the adult conference, Anglican youth from around North America are invited to Assembly 2017 for their own full youth experience – a 3-day event with its own breakout sessions, prominent speakers and workshops, games and activities, worship, and an optional mission trip in the heart of Chicago. It’s the Provincial Youth Gathering 2017!
Organized by a team of Anglican youth pastors from around the province, the three-day experience for 13- to 18-year-olds includes food and lodging, just as an adult Assembly registration does. Teens will participate in Eucharist services and plenary sessions with parents or church chaperones, then split into their own youth track for morning and afternoon sessions. Notable speakers during the youth gathering include:
- Paco Amador: What It Means to be a Missionary
- Bishop Stewart Ruch: What It Means to be Human
- Archbishop Ben Kwashi: What It Means to be Anglican.
And just what is the “ALIENS!!!!” game that will be happening after dark Wednesday night? Frankly, we’re not sure… but given the amount of exclamation points its organizers used, it must be a good time. Thursday night features a game night and climbing wall, while Friday night is dedicated to preparing for the inner-city mission trip for those who opt in.
On Friday morning of Assembly, the youth participating in the mission trip will be commissioned for their work; by Friday evening, those teens and their chaperones will be based at the Center for Student Missions in Chicago. The Assembly theme, “Mission on Our Doorstep,” will be lived out as teens spend three days (July 1-3) serving meals in community kitchens, sharing lunch with the homeless, and prayer walking in the neighborhoods they’re serving. Each day begins with devotions and ends with debriefing – as well as dinner at a neighborhood restaurant, to bless the businesses around them.
Youth registration for the Assembly Provincial Youth Gathering alone is $135; to attend the Youth Gathering and also participate in the mission trip is $349. Many more details – including a required parent permission form, full youth track schedule, and instructions on registering – are available at the Young Anglicans Provincial Youth Gathering site, or register at the Assembly 2017 site,

by Rachel Moorman, ADOTS Communications Associate