March for Life 2020

In January 2021, Anglicans For Life held its first online Summit conference, allowing Anglicans from around the country to receive AFL’s excellent training to care for the unborn, the elderly, and the vulnerable – and learn about supporting life in their own communities.
The ADOTS Life Issues Coordinator, Paulette Ivey, gives a summary about the Summit and how you can start mobilizing your church to become an advocate for life in your community!

“This year, due to Covid-19, Anglicans For Life, under the guidance of President Georgette Forney, produced the first Virtual Summit. The goal was to provide practical ideas, education, and inspiration for every person and church and to emphasize that God has a purpose for every life!

“It was exciting to realize that people all across America were able to participate as they viewed from home on their computers, or as they participated in watch party gatherings. The focus this year was on learning about abortion and euthanasia. January 16th featured keynote presentations, along with discussion times for people to share their ideas. January 23rd featured topical workshops that allowed us to dig deeper into specific life issues.

“A special Youth Program was provided also. It was awesome to realize that so many were able to be a part of the AFL Summit this year. In past years, we only had approximately 125 people attending from churches across the nation.

“If your church is interested in doing more for life issues, please consider starting your own AFL chapter. Go to for resources on how to get started. They offer incredible resources.”

You can also email Paulette, or call her at (404) 992-3778, to start the discussion!

Paulette also recommends parish AFL chapters become part of their church’s budget.

This allows the chapter to support local organizations which promote life. One such financial gift from the Holy Cross Cathedral chapter allowed a local pregnancy center to invest in technology that allows new moms to see their ultrasounds right away on their smartphones. The pregnancy center is now able to text the 2D, 3D, and color ultrasound images directly to patients, giving a new mother the opportunity to continue viewing her ultrasound after she leaves the clinic. “This is especially important if she is undecided about her pregnancy. She can share with family and friends, as well.”

“As Anglicans For Life, we are called to educate church members about life issues and to put our convictions into action!” says Paulette. “We continue to pray and ask God to guide us in 2021!”