Deacon Diane Pitzl serves as the main service coordinator for Red Bank Chapel in Chattanooga, TN. She has spent 30 years studying and teaching Scripture to others and is hosting our workshop on Leading Bible Studies during Synod 2017.
Do you have a favorite story of how God has impacted your life through leading or being involved in a Bible study?
My conversion experience is my story about the impact of Bible study in my life. That first study lasted for over two years as we were taught that the Bible is true, we believe it, and we do what it says.
What do you think is a common mistake or misconception leaders make with Bible studies?
I think my greatest misconception was to equate intellectualism, knowledge of the Word, with spiritual maturity and discipleship. I spent many years learning a lot about the Bible, a lot about Jesus, coming to the Table, but actually missing the person of Jesus. I could study in this way and remain an independent individual rather than growing in true community with others, but I was arrogant and filled with spiritual pride.
What do you hope people will take away from this workshop about leading their own studies?
Recently, I have been aware of the need to approach study of the Bible in such a way that dependence on Jesus and the community of the church is a way of life. We can learn to study in a way that builds contextual bridges between the Old and New Testaments, and our daily life, learning who Jesus is as we get to know each other’s story. This is what I hope people will take away from this workshop.
Registration is now open for Conference & Synod 2017: Mission Matters. Join us November 3-4 as we explore how local churches can be on mission in today’s world, reach out to our communities with the Gospel, worship, re-connect, learn, and discern together!
Visit the Conference & Synod 2017 site to learn more about speakers, workshops, lodging, and the weekend schedule.

Rachel Moorman
Communications Associate