Lay leaders and clergy from around ADOTS will share their own stories of mission – and discover how we can all more actively participate in local, national, and global missions – during the ADOTS Mission Roundtable pre-conference ahead of the Mission Matters Conference & Synod this November.
Jenny Noyes, Executive Director for New Wineskins Missionary Network, and ADOTS Canon Missioner Rev. George Ivey will host the discussion on Thursday, Nov. 1, from 1 to 5 pm, sharing what Anglicans are doing in missions around the world, and helping ADOTS parish mission leaders connect.
“In most dioceses, there is no time for this group of mission leaders to come together to get to know each other and what is happening at their individual parishes,” says Noyes. “The roundtable concept came about to try to meet this need! The Roundtable is a time for mission leaders to share ideas, resources, and vision with one another to see where partnership and collaboration can occur.”
Noyes says that anyone involved in missions of any kind at the parish level – lay leaders or clergy – should plan to attend this time of mutual sharing, learning, and deepening of the mission-mindedness of their parishes. Anyone who has mission experience and ideas to share – or who wants to know what other parishes are doing that could help them in their own mission ministries – are warmly invited.
Slated for the roundtable discussion are Canon Fr. Keith Allen with information on Myanmar, Fr. Chris Findley who just returned from Bolivia, and Fr. Jim Murphy reporting on connections with Tanzania. Also on the panel are lay missionaries Jay White and Clark and Carol Smith.
Noyes is excited to discuss mission with ADOTS missional leaders at this roundtable, as she prepares for the upcoming New Wineskins Global Mission Conference, September 26-29, 2019 in Ridgecrest, NC. The conference brings together Anglican missionaries, mission societies, and mission-minded parishes every three years.
“The theme is ‘Better Together’ and there will be a dozen pre-conferences on a various of specific mission topics that will, God willing, turn into mission networks after the conference is over,” says Noyes. “This new vision has the potential of exponentially increasing our global mission impact as Anglicans.”
She’s also looking forward to the fall edition of The Apostle magazine from the ACNA, which will feature the stories of three different people whose lives were impacted by the New Wineskins conference.
“They are representative of different ages, life stages, and mission foci, but the common denominator is how the New Wineskins conference experience impacted them to fulfill the Great Commission in a more effective way!” says Noyes.
Registration for the ADOTS Mission Roundtable is separate from the Mission Matters Conference, and is only $10.
Join Jenny Noyes, Canon George, and missional leaders from around ADOTS for this important opportunity to connect about our mission.
Register for the Roundtable here.
Find out more and register for the Mission Matters Conference and Synod here.
And to learn more about the ADOTS Mission Roundtable pre-conference, please read this invitation from Canon George Ivey.

by Rachel Moorman
Communications Associate