The Covid-19 lockdown in Rwanda has created a food distribution emergency. All Saints Peachtree City, GA partners with the Kibungo Diocese in Rwanda, and Fr. Don Hutchens has an update and request for donations for this urgent need:
Grace and peace to you in this very troubling time in our land. In February I was blessed by our Lord to travel to the Diocese of Kibungo and found brothers and sisters filled with the joy and love of Jesus Christ. Each part of the diocese visited was a witness to their joyful dedication to do the work of our Lord with minimal resources. They are poor in worldly wealth but rich beyond measure in love and joy in Jesus!

Fr. Don Hutchens on his February 2020 visit to the Kibungo Diocese.
During my time there, Bishop Emmanuel asked that I act as an ambassador for his diocese and the Christians that serve our Lord. I am writing you on his behalf to draw attention to an immediate need of our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Diocese of Kibungo.The Covid 19 lockdown has been devastating to Rwanda. The income per capita is minimal and dependent largely on daily wages. They like us are in lockdown, making food procurement almost impossible due to lack of money. There is food available for purchase at warehouses and it can be accessed by diocesan operations if funds are available.
We at All Saints began in initiative to fund food procurement by transferring $2,000 to the Diocese of Kibungo to be administered by a framework that will get the funds to the archdeaconries and the Christians in the churches. Bishop Emmanuel characterized this first step as, “…help that will save lives of the neediest among us.”
The steps taken by All Saints are important, but begins to meet the need. I implore you to refuse to be silent in their time of need and join us in this response of Christian love to those who need our help now. All Saints is willing to be the clearing house for funds. By combining multiple amounts into one transfer we can save transfer fees and ensure the maximum amount of the funds go toward food.
I have spoken with Rev. Ethan Carlson of Rwanda Ministry Partners and he enthusiastically endorses our efforts. Similar initiatives have begun with US partners with the Gasabo, Shyira and Kigali Dioceses.
“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12:12
Please join us in caring for part of Christ’s body that is suffering with hunger.
Praise God for the way we have been sustained in this time of crisis in our land and the opportunity that has been given to us to care for our brothers and sisters in Kibungo, Rwanda.
Your servant in Christ,
(The Rev.) Don Hutchens
Associate Priest for Pastoral Care and Mission at All Saints Anglican Church
Bishop Emmanuel Ntazinda of the Kibungo Diocese adds:
“Today on May 4th, we have started more quarantine days for 2 weeks. We thank God, we have done 40 days lockdown in homes, and God has been faithful so, we believe [God] is also going to be with us in these 2 weeks but praying that those would [be] the last.
Please continue to be with us in prayers as we are doing it for you in our every prayer. Bless you, and may God’s protection, power and provision be with you all.”