In Chattanooga, chapel services for the homeless are expanding.

Thursday mornings for the last six years, “The Street Chapel,” a Prayers and Eucharist service, has been offered at The Community Kitchen, the central hub for homeless services in Chattanooga Tennessee.

Father Dale Hall and his team from The Mission Chattanooga began the outreach in August, 2016, providing a friendly and inviting service for the facility’s guests. There are prayers, a gospel lesson, time for confession and absolution, and communion every week.

On Easter 2022, Father Dale, now the official chaplain for guests of The Community Kitchen, launched the “Sunday Chapel” service, which is being held in the cafeteria right after breakfast. It is a blended ecumenical service with various denominational partners coming together to provide a unique worship opportunity. African American churches, Baptists, Methodists, Anglicans and others contribute to the Sunday chapel services coordinated by Father Dale. “We are seeing amazing things, and sweet testimonies; people finding Jesus, relationships restored, prayers for housing and other needs are being answered,” Father Dale notes, “The harvest is ready. Are we willing to go where the harvest is waiting for us?”

Almighty God our Savior, you desire that none should perish, and you have taught us through your Son that there is great joy in heaven over every sinner who repents: Grant that our hearts may ache for a lost and broken world. May your Holy Spirit work through our words, deeds, and prayers, that the lost may be found and the dead made alive, and that all your redeemed may rejoice around your throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (BCP 2019)

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