by Sister Jeannie Drake OSB

Dorrence Stovall OSB, Joshua Drake OSB, Randy Ferguson (novice), Sr. Jeanie Drake OSB, Abbot Patrick OSB, Br. Rev. Justin Baldwin OSB, Rev. Canon Ernest Osuchukwu OSB,
Br. James Gadomski novice.
We are pleased to announce that our first annual Benedictine Retreat took place Aug 7-9,2015 at St. Patrick’s Anglican Church in Smyrna TN. Archdeacon for Religious Orders, Abbot Patrick Malone, led the retreat and received the vows for two novices and 2 brothers taking Solemn Vows on Sunday August 9th @ 11 am. We also received the Solemn Vows for Rev. Canon Ernest Osuchukwu OSB of Okigwe Diocese in Nigeria. Rev. Canon Ernest will return to Nigeria and begin to establish Benedictine Houses in his country. He will receive his DMin from Nashotah House.

Brother Joshua Elijah Drake OSB Novice Master

Abbot Rev. Patrick Malone Evening prayer

Sr. Jeanie Drake OSB, Br. Dorrence Stovall OSB

St. Patrick’s, Murfreesboro, TN

Br. Rev. Canon Ernest Osuchukwu OSB Nigeria

Along the prayer walk at St. Patrick’s

Dean Ray Kasch at the vows service

Br. Dorrence OSB, Brother Ernest OSB, Br. Joshua OSB vows service

Vows Service
We are also pleased that St. Patrick’s is the second parish in the Province to fully establish a House of Prayer with Leadership. Brother Dorrence Stovall has accepted the responsibility to lead their house, and Brother Joshua Elijah Drake OSB will fill the role of Novice Master; responsible for teaching and bringing others into relationship in Benedictine Life. Under the guidance and direction of Dean Ray Kasch, Rev. Chris Findley, and Rev. B. E. Palmer, their House is on its way to a life of Worship, Prayers, Blessed Service to others,, and a rich study of scripture daily. We are so grateful to God for this gift.
We are now working with twelve more postulants to the Order in various degrees of formation, and have several more inquirers waiting to begin; waiting on letter from their Rectors. Two other parishes in the Anglican Diocese of the South are preparing to be recognized as established Houses of Prayer with Leadership.
Grateful and Blessed by God, Sr. Jeanie Drake OSB