Save the date!
The next ADOTS Synod & Missions Conference will be held at Christ the King Anglican Church in Birmingham, Alabama on November 7-9, 2024.

2023 Synod & Missions Conference Speaker: The Rt. Rev. Jay Behan
About The Rt. Rev. Jay Behan: The Rev. Jay Behan has been elected the first bishop of the CCAANZ. Jay is a gifted preacher and winsome communicator. He is passionate about talking to people about the good news we have in Jesus and seeing people grow in their faith. Jay is committed to seeing the churches in the Diocese grow as he encourages, supports, and equips local ministry, seeking to lead the Diocese to grow in love and unity in Christ. He is married to Jaimee and they have three children. He loves family times, watching rugby league, and attempting (in vain) to get better at golf.
Teach Us to Pray: The Church’s Life of Prayer According to Martin Thornton
Fr. Ben Williams, M.Div.
How does the Church participate in God’s mission in the world? The 20th-century Anglican priest and spiritual director Martin Thornton answers this question throughout his body of work. In this workshop, we will look at Thornton’s “remnant hypothesis” and how the Church’s prayer life is essential to its surrounding culture. We will discover how the simple three-fold regula of attending Holy Communion, praying the Daily Office, and ceaselessly practicing the presence of God incorporates the Church into the Missio Dei to bless our neighbors.
Reading Through the Bible: Plans, Programs, and Guidelines for Individuals and Groups
Fred Ruppel
Treasurer Emeritus, St. Andrew’s Anglican Church
Professor Emeritus of Economics, Eastern Kentucky University
Reading just 15-20 minutes a day can get you through the Bible in a year. Let’s do it! But let’s not do it alone – get others in your church to join you. Come to this workshop to learn about alternative Bible reading plans and programs and get some input on what works and what doesn’t. Let’s have a Bible-reading group in every ADOTS parish!
Praying Together as a Family: A Guide for Family Devotions
Victoria Schwartz & Heather Goodbread
- How to begin: Establishing a rhythm that works
- Choosing a Bible and books and materials for devotions.
- Including children of different ages: What works for the whole family
- Prayer as a response to Scripture reading.
- A fresh way to approach Scripture memorization
- Incorporating the liturgy/BCP and celebrating the liturgical year
On Becoming a Missional Parish
Executive Director of New Wineskins Missionary Network and ACNA Provincial Leader of the Global Mission Initiative
Let’s face it: many churches find it hard to do local, domestic, and international missions well at the same time. They struggle to choose whom to partner with and how to financially support it all. Often, we serve our local communities in “outreaches” that meet physical needs but don’t know how to lead people to Jesus and integrate them as disciples into our church family. Also, many churches send short-term mission teams out or develop global partnerships, but don’t know how to make sure those relationships don’t become unhealthy dependencies. We’ll tackle many of these questions and your own in this workshop designed to help the local church take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth both locally and globally in biblical and sustainable ways!
Rediscovering the 39 Articles for Today’s Church
The Very Rev. Chris Findley
Rector, St. Patrick’s Anglican Church
Dean, Nashville Deanery (ADOTS)
In the Fundamental Declarations of the Province, we read, “We receive the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion of 1571, taken in their literal and grammatical sense, as expressing the Anglican response to certain doctrinal issues controverted at that time, and as expressing fundamental principles of authentic Anglican belief.” (2019 Book of Common Prayer, p 767). If this is the case, why are the Articles so neglected? What might be the benefits for the Church in rediscovering this crucial part of our Anglican heritage?. J.I. Packer notes, “Facing and dialoguing with the Thirty-nine Articles will help Anglicans both the re-learn and re-apply some basic biblical truths with which authentic Anglican identity is bound up.” (Packer, The Thirty-Nine Articles: Their Place and Use Today, Latimer Press, 2006, 23) This session will briefly introduce the history of the Articles, their theological significance, and their importance as one of the primary formularies of Anglican faith and practice. We will also explore some practical ways to study the articles in the local parish.
Sharing the Gospel with Muslims and Using Anglican Distinctives to do it Effectively
The Rev. Chris Royer, PhD
Executive Director, Anglican Frontier Missions
Sacraments, Liturgy, & Prayer Book tradition need not be foreign incursions of Western preference when sharing the gospel with Muslims next door and around the globe, but supra-cultural, contextualizable tools in the evangelism and discipleship of believers from Muslim (and Hindu, Buddhist, and tribal) backgrounds. Come and learn more!
Where to Stay

Special rates are available from November 2-4, 2023.
Hampton Inn & Suites
1905 Pharrs Road Snellville,
Georgia 30078 USA